The 15th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games
Workshop Chairs
Call for Papers
NetGames brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry across the globe to present their latest research on the challenges of today's networked games, and to further understand the requirements and explore the possibilities of future generations of networked games. NetGames will also have a keynote and panel discussions with participants (or invited talks) from both academia and industry.
Submissions are solicited on all aspects of networked games, including (but not limited to):
- Scalability, cloud support, client-server, P2P, and mobile architectures
- Efficient message distribution and network protocol design
- Latency issues and lag compensation techniques
- Network traffic measurement and modeling
- System benchmarking, performance evaluation, and provisioning
- Operating system enhancements, service platforms, and middleware
- Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming (MMOG)
- Multiplayer usability and user behavior studies
- Personal communications and conferencing in games
- Mobile games, resource-constrained systems, and context-based adaptation
- Quality of service, quality of experience, and system/content adaptation
- Dynamic and user-generated content authoring and management
- Security, authentication, accounting and digital rights management
- Cheat detection and prevention
- Social networking in multiplayer games
- Multisensory games
- Data analytics and visualization support for game research
Please refer to this page for an overview of important dates, submission guidelines and procedures for MMSys'17 tracks, special sessions, and co-located workshops.
David Chu and Yutaka Ishibashi (Workshop Co-Chairs)
For more details, please see
The submission site for NetGames workshop is available here.